Student Life


Explore our Campus

As one of the world’s top research universities, the University of British Columbia has created positive change at home and abroad for more than a century. Today our two major campuses—in Vancouver and the Okanagan—attract, nurture and transform more than 60,000 students from Canada and 140+ countries around the world.

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We have may house options for our students

The UBC Vancouver campus is located at the western tip of the Point Grey Peninsula in the city of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. UBC’s Okanagan campus, opened in 2005, is located in the growing city of Kelowna, in British Columbia’s beautiful Okanagan Valley.

Our housing options are varied including options for upper year, graduate students, and student families. Explore the benefits of residence living Discover our residences, what it’s like to live here, and learn how to apply.

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Options for getting around

There are many flexible and sustainable options for travelling to, from, or around UBC’s Vancouver campus. Getting to and from campus is easy with public transit, cycling, car-sharing and parking options available. Once on our pedestrian-friendly campus, you won’t have a problem getting around by either walking, cycling or taking a community shuttle.

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Career Services

Your future starts now!

Every time you put yourself out there to explore new things, whether on campus, in the community or internationally, you're building skills and understanding a bit more about who you are and how you fit into the world.

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Volleyball Tournament

Join the Adventure group this Saturday for a volleyball tournament full of fun

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Team Spirit Award

The Outgoing-Fun Team wins the team spirit award!

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Ping Pong Thursday Nights

Every thursday night this group gets together to play Ping Pong, find out how to get involved

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